由Modic MT于1988年在Radiology (Modic MT, Masaryk TJ, and Ross JS, et al. Imaging of degenerative disk disease. Radiology, 1988; 168:177~186 )首次提出,共分为I、II、III型。
Above an MRI of the lower spine showing the central cut. The disc between the sacrum and the fifth lumbar vertebra is dried out with a black appearance and decreased height. The white changes in the bone reflect a reaction to the degeneration, described by Modic and named after him as Modic changes. The disc above has a completely normal appearance. This is classified as discopathy L5/S1.
Modic changes, a common observation in MR imaging, are signal intensity changes in vertebral body marrow adjacent to the endplates of degenerative discs.
Michael T. Modic, MD, professor of radiology and neurology at Case Western in Cleveland, wrote about these changes in the journal Radiology in 1988, and his name has been associated with these changes ever since.
Modic changes take 3 main forms:
Type I
Decreased signal on T1, and increased signal on T2.
Represents marrow edema.
Associated with an acute process.
Histological examination shows disruption and fissuring of the endplate and vascularized fibrous tissues within the adjacent marrow
Type II - the most common type
Increased signal on T1, and isointense or slightly hyperintense signal on T2.
Represents fatty degeneration of subchondral marrow.
Associated with a chronic process.
Histological examination shows endplate disruption with yellow marrow replacement in the adjacent vertebral body.
Type I changes convert to Type II changes with time, while Type II changes seem to remain stable.
Type III
Decreased signal on both T1 and T2.
Correlate with extensive bony sclerosis on plain radiographs.
Histological examination shows dense woven bone; hence, no marrow to produce MRI signal.
T1 T2 特征
(or slight )
骨硬化作者: wuyipeng0418 时间: 2012-11-16 11:09