the diagnosis and clinical significatince of digital substraction angiographic (dsa) in hcc of wirespread model
liu jun-fang, lu zhi-yan, long qing-yun, et al.
department of radiology,
zhongnan hospital, wuhan university, wuhan 430071, china
objective:to improve the understanding about characteristic and clinical significatince of digital substraction angiographic (dsa) in hcc of wirespread model.
methods:transcatheter hepatic artery chemoembolization (tace) were perfored in 8 cases of hcc of wirespread model and the hepatic artery dsa findings were analysed before tace.
results:the dsa finding included: tumour fed blood manifold compressioned in 8 cases,tumour stain abroad in 8 cases, arterioportal anastomoses in 4 cases, hepatic volume enlargered in 6 cases, iodin oil diffuse distribution in 4 cases.
conclusion:①the characteristic of hcc of wirespread model are "diffuse nudule", "groundglass","bothrail" and "huge liver" sign. ②dsa is efficiency method for image type of the primary hepatocellular carcinoma, especially in hcc of wirespread model, and help to forecast curative effect and prognosis.
[key words]
hapatocellular carcinoma (hcc);wirespread model;dsa;clinical signifiance