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发布时间: 2015-2-3 18:42


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yiyingyiyuan 发表于 2015-4-13 20:58
yiyingyiyuan 发表于 2015-4-13 20:57
coleng 发表于 2015-2-10 16:07
Motiva expansion delays could affect southeast texas
Motiva expansion delays could affect southeast texas

Motiva enterprises' delay on its $7 billion expansion project could have mixed effects on the encircling region.

Because of poor market state, the development will take another year to finish, motiva speaker told the enterprise tuesday, pushing back anticipated late 2010 completion to the first quarter of 2012.

"Over the past few months, we have done some adjustments in work schedules and the http://coleng.publicoton.fr degree of contract workers in order to meet the pace and demand of the work, rutherford said saturday. "Given the pace of the mission, some building technicians have been released,

Although officials at motiva small businesses and bechtel jacobs co.Don't have estimates on how many staff is affected, rutherford said contractor numbers will fluctuate depending on what section of the project is being built.

While the numbers change each day, rutherford said present-Day number of contract workers at the refinery is about 2, 500, while in the same range as it was in mid january.

"Motiva is expected to continue to employ an important contract work force as construction proceeds and motiva will have filled up to as many as 300 new full time jobs by completion, rutherford thought, adding that the refinery belongs to the largest employers and a leading source of tax revenue http://liaoyangs.blog.pt for the city of port arthur.

"Local vendors and contractors http://liaoyangsss.mex.tl either directly or indirectly have benefited and will continue to benefit owing to the(Business improvement)Upgrade, long-Term rutherford.

, Owner of the Super 8 in Groves, Said the drop in occupancy for him was drastic.

"We had some workers here that left as their job got them apartments, he was quoted saying. "And we had some applicators that would come in for two or three weeks at a time and then return home.But withduring the last month we have seen an 80 percent drop in our occupancy.I hope it picks online back-Up soon,

Papel was not aware how many workers renting rooms were utilized by motivia.

, Hotel supervisor of Candlewood Suites in Nederland, Asserted that hostelry has workers staying there who are part of refinery extension projects, And so far they haven't seen a severe dropoff in occupancy.

"It is kind of hard to take a position what will happen in the coming months, jack explained.

Groves city manager said the city might not see any major drop in hotel/motel tax revenue dollars 'till the end of the second quarter in june.

"As soon as possible we are $10, 000 ahead of yr after, sosa replied. "Our hotel/motel tax revenues was $88, 000 after all this and this year it is at $98, 000,

One more it might be awhile before groves city officials see any impact is because not all jobs place their employees in hotels, sosa asserted.

"Some jobs give their out of area employees stipends for bills, sosa said. "Once turning out to be that money(Every diem), They can go to any place of their determining to rent.We'll have to wait and see how all this will affect us,

Portland of port neches has no hotels, said city boss andr wimer, but money used for sheltering contract workers might spill into their real estate market.

"It might affect our housing industry if people had bought or were renting property here in the city, wimer exclaimed. "But that has to be very hard to quantify at this time,

Jefferson county has seen a steady increase in sales tax and hotel occupancy tax over the past year due to their plant expansions, said jefferson regional auditor, but if there is a decrease in workers, tax money might reduce

"If there are not people here earning or to spend, the sales tax lowers, swain described. "If they are laid off, people will go where the work is,

Florida sales tax reports have a two month lag and hotel occupancy reports are delayed by one month, talked about swain, so any effects from recent expansion plan changes won't be seen simply weeks.

Many officials in your neighborhood pointed out the positive influence of motiva's time extension in terms of work force and steady tax collection.

"Whilst slowing of the project, there's less of a need to bring in workers external to the area and the work will last longer into the future, exclaimed, director. "Now is a great time for residents getting trained for skills,

Rich added that the delay does not get a new scope of the project and notes that at least the project still is saved.

"Each and every they said they'd build, they will, described rich. "By decreasing(The development)Straight along, they can look at where they can keep costs down,

Motiva's timeline revision provides some extended reliability, which could help the region ride out the worst of the cost-Effective times, told swain.

Hotels and motels in the region won't be filled to the brim with workers for a http://www.freewebsite-service.com/coleng/Blog.php short period of time, but instead there will be a consistent number of occupants over a longer time, said us web design manager.

"For motiva back off and reassess themselves is still a good thing for us, reid had identified. "Our economy will still with expansion project and it http://liaoyangsy.pagina.gr/ will have a longer positive effect overall for southeast texas,
shibing 发表于 2015-2-4 11:05
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