(河南漯河市第一人民医院放射科,河南 漯河 462000)
[摘 要] 目的 探讨成人非创伤性股骨头缺血性坏死(anfh)的数字减影血管造影(dsa)表现及介入治疗的效果。 方法 对36例52髋anfh患者,采用seldinger技术经皮股动脉穿刺插管,行高选择性股骨头供血动脉的dsa检查及药物灌注。 结果 36例的52髋中50髋(96.2%)有供血动脉的异常改变,40髋(76.9%)股骨头有不同程度和范围的染色,25髋(48.1%)显示股骨头静脉引流异常。治疗后髋关节疼痛症状消失或好转,关节功能明显得以改善。dsa复查,髋关节周围交通吻合的显示明显增多,53.8%(28/52)的患髋股骨头显示单位面积上血管数量增加。经治疗1年后x线平片及ct复查,71.2%(37/52)患髋股骨头显示不同程度的骨质修复。 结论 介入治疗anfh疗效肯定,对改善局部血液循环,缓解临床症状、恢复髋关节功能及促进股骨头的新骨形成及修复起到了重要作用。但在选择靶动脉药物灌注时应结合术前造影所见,特别应重视对臀下动脉的选择。
[关键词] 股骨头缺血性坏死; 数字减影血管造影; 药物灌注
[中图分类号] r814.43 [文献标识码] a [文章编号] 1003-3289(2002)11-1141-03
[作者简介] 张工化(1957-),男,河南人,大专,主治医师。
[收稿日期] 2002-06-15
interventional therapy effect and dsa image of the nontrauma avascular necrosis
of the femoral head
zhang gong-hua,song tai-min,cui hong-ling,et al
(department of radiology, the luohe first people's hospital, luohe 462003,china)
[abstract] objective to explore the digital subtraction angiograpthy(dsa) characters and the effect of interventional therapy on avascular necrosis of the femoral head. methods fifty-two pieces in 36 patients with the avascular necrosis of the femoral head were examined and treated with dsa or perfusion of drug. results fifty pieces (96.2%) were abnormal in the femoral head's artery, 40 pieces (76.9%) were abnormal in the image of the femoral head and 25 pieces (48.1%) were abnormal in the vein of the femoral head. after treatment, in the patients, the pain of the hip was alleviated, the blood vessel anastomosis and the dense of the blood vessel in the femoral head increased. after one year, 37(71.2%) of 52 pieces, the osseous repair were indicated by means of x-ray photogram or ct. conclusion the effect of interventoinal therapy on the avascular necrosis of the femoral head is good, and it can improve the local blood circulation and the function of the hip.
[key words] avascular necrosis of the femoral head; dsa; interventional therapy
股骨头缺血性坏死(avascular necrosis of the femoral head,anfh)是骨科常见病、多发病。由于病因复杂发病机制尚未完全清楚,临床处理存在较大争议。目前虽有多种治疗方法,但缺乏简便有效的手段。近年来,笔者采用介入疗法治疗anfh取得了较为满意的疗效。现搜集我院1997年3月至2001年3月经治疗的36例成人非创伤性anfh进行效果分析,并对有关问题进行探讨。
1 材料和方法
全部病例均采用seldinger技术,经对侧股动脉穿刺插管,用4f或5f cobra管,越过髂总动脉分叉,分别超选择进入旋股内动脉、旋股外动脉、闭孔及臀下动脉或其分支,注入浓度为300mgi/ml非离子型对比剂碘普罗胺(iopromide)行dsa检查。机器设备使用ge公司产lcv+型血管造影系统,用medrad公司产mark v plus型高压注射器。注射速率1~2ml/s,总量5~10ml,注射压力100psi。根据造影结果选择靶动脉灌注药物,其剂量根据血管分布股骨头的情况酌情分配。对造影发现供血动脉或其分支闭塞者,有6例应用2f或3f微导管尽可能接近闭塞端进行造影(注射速率0.5~1ml/s,总量为2~5ml,压力为100psi)及药物灌注。本组图1 超选择性后下支持带动脉造影,显示后下支持带动脉闭塞 图2 同图1病例。治疗后闭塞血管通畅,股骨头较多显示网状血管影及浅淡股骨头染色 图3 选择性旋股内动脉造影,显示后上及后下支持带动脉闭塞,股骨头未 |