患者,男56岁,病人素来体健,因与他人发生矛盾被拳头击伤右眼致右眼视力下降,随行ct检查,住院治疗。患者其它检查均无阳性发现。![]() ![]() ![]() rjbjl补充: 我个人感觉晶状体脱位比较合适 晶状体脱位分先天和后天两种,后天原因主要是手术并发症和外伤 美国白内障手术并发此症的比率是0.2-1.8% 个人认为此病b超诊断要比ct强。 无独有偶搜到一片供大家一并欣赏: traumatic crystalline lens dislocation j. hopkins (1), s. mohammed (2) radiology (1) and opthalmology (2), sandwell healthcare trust, lyndon, b71 4hj west bromwich united kingdom jon.hopkins@blueyonder.co.uk patient age: 39 year(s) sex: m clinical history and imaging the patient suffered a high-speed missile injury to his left eye whilst hammering an engine block in an attempt to dismantle it. no eye protection was worn. a ct scan was performed to exclude an intraocular foreign body (3mm contiguous incremental scans through the orbits). this showed a total postero-inferior dislocation of the crystalline lens in the left eye. discussion the normal treatment for crystalline lens dislocation consists of conservative management to allow the inflammatory response in the eye to quieten down. the lens can then be removed and an intraocular lens can be sutured in its place, but visual recovery is likely to be prolonged and long-term follow-up is usually required. exclusion of an intra-ocular metallic foreign body is required as this requires immediate removal. following traumatic intra-ocular dislocation there is increased risk of retinal detachment and glaucoma, both of which can lead to irreversible sight loss. in addition there may be accelerated cataract formation. in this case, a few weeks following the event, the patient presented with severe eye pain. the lens had moved into the anterior chamber causing acute glaucoma necessitating emergency surgery with lens removal. the patient will need a further operation to implant an intraocular lens as a secondary procedure. this case highlights the need for appropriate eye protection whilst hammering hard objects. diagnosis traumatic crystalline lens dislocation ![]() axial 3mm ct scan showing normal position of the right crystalline lens. note that the left lens is not seen. ![]() axial 3mm ct scan in a more inferior position showing intact left globe with complete postero-inferior dislocation of the left crystalline lens. 摘自:http://www.eurorad.org/case.cfm?uid=1649 原贴地址: cl094:[分享]晶状体移位 http://www.radinet.com.cn/forum_view.asp?forum_id=28&view_id=1840 |